I will be making several flash movies and games during my stay at Newgrounds. Hopefully they will be good ones that you will like. If not, I'd be delighted to hear why not.
Available now:
Mario Mario: Ace Attorney - Phoenix Wright with a Mario twist - who murdered Princess Peach? Please recommend for the Mario or Phoenix Wrong collections - it would make my year!
Defend Level 60 - a defence game based on the Newgrounds levels - click to kill the stat whores! Forget about this one.
Defend Level 60 V2 - the Defend Level 60 game gets extra features such as shields and new game modes too. Please recommend for Defense games collection.
The Mario Kart Showdown - my friend and I wrote the parody lyrics and he suggested I make a flash out of it, so I did.
Current work(s) in progress:
Pokebusters - a pokemon spoof on Ghostbusters, starring Solid Snake and Luigi, with my friend as the scriptwriter.
Quiz of General Ignorance - a quiz in which everything you think you know is wrong and can be proved wrong. Not related to The Impossible Quiz.
Mario Ace Attorney 2 - Turnabout Christmas.
I look forward to seeing your projects :D.
Objection (Updated )
I'm having fun making them. ;)